What is the format of the classes?
Classes are professionally pre-recorded without a direct professor-to-student interaction. This allows students to learn at their own pace, on their own time.
Do I have to be a finance or business major to take the course?
No, we encourage all types of majors to participate. Sample majors include: Finance, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Communication, as well as non-business related majors.
Do I have to pay for the online EIOC coursework?
There is no cost to the student or the university to participate in the program; it is industry sponsored.
Can I take the course if my university is not enrolled in the program?
Yes, on a limited basis we accept students in this manner. Please contact us for details.
What steps do I take if I want to enroll my university?
Contact a professor or a counselor in the career services department at your university. Have them research the EIOC website and set up an introductory call with us.
Can I access the content after the completion of the course?
Yes, we encourage you to use the EIOC as a resource for your future.
If I do not pass any of the seven tests, can I retake them?
The course is designed to teach the information, not trip up students with tricky exams. As such, you may retake the tests as many times as you want until you reach a passing score of 80% or above.
Is it possible to take the EIOC course over the summer?
There is a limited summer program available. Please contact us for details.
What if I have problems meeting the session deadline?
Under extenuating circumstances, we will accommodate extensions.
What feedback do I receive during the semester?
We respect the privacy of the student; therefore, we interact mainly with the designated university contact to inform them of the progress of each student.
Do you share any of my private information?
What do I put on my resume after completing the program?
Upon completion, you will be given exact language to include on your resume.
Why should I participate in the Resume Hub?
By participating in the Resume and Internship Hub, your experience will be put directly in front of relevant hiring managers for internships and entry-level positions. It is advisable to take advantage of every opportunity available to you when seeking an internship or future employment.
What happens after I submit my resume?
Once your resume is included in the Resume Hub, your resume will be included in database searches for any opportunities that match your profile with a prospective job or internship.
Do I have to pay to take part in the Resume Hub?
No, it is free for students.
What does a FundFire subscription do for me?
It keeps you abreast of current industry news, as well as new products and technologies. By scanning the headlines daily and reading articles that interest you, you will gain valuable insight into current events and the terminology used in the industry.