Student FAQ
Who should take this course
You! Anyone with interest in the financial services industry can benefit from this course.
What are the goals of this course?
In creating this course, our goals are to provide students with increasing knowledge on the financial services industry and bridge the gap between education and employment. We are aiming to teach students the acronyms and lingo specific to the industry. Most importantly, we want all participants to be aware of the different job opportunities and have an edge over other applicants for internships and career opportunities.
How long do the classes take?
Each class should take about 45-50 minutes including the tests. Some of the classes may be shorter based on the content.
What can I put on my resume when I pass the course?
This information will be provided to the students when they complete the course and tests. With your certificate, a letter will include all the pertinent details. One of the goals of this program is to give all participating students a leg up on securing an internship or job. When you finish this course, we will provide you with specific wording for your resume that will highlight the experience you gained, leveraging the strongest aspects that resonate with hiring managers.
Can I take this course if it is not offered to my university?
At this time we do not accept individual registrations. If you would like to take the course but your university is not partaking in the program, please reach out to Jim Seuffert at or Tricia Baxter at
University FAQ
What is the benefit to the students?
From the course content, students will gain an overall understanding of the industry, as well as the tools and insights needed to converse intelligently and interview well to give them an edge over their peers. After successful completion of the course, students will have the opportunity to get their resumes in front of industry professionals searching for interns or new hires through the DAKdirect Resume and Internship Hub.
What do the students receive after they complete the program?
Each student will receive a Certificate of Completion from Envestnet Institute on Campus as well as professionally-worded content for their resumes. After successful completion of the program, each student will be granted access to the Resume and Internship Hub, powered by DAKdirect, and receive a four-month subscription to FundFire.
How is each university chosen?
There are several considerations we factor in when choosing new universities to participate. We are looking for diversity within the program, both geographically and demographically. We are targeting top business schools, but are pleased to welcome any school to the program with interest in making Envestnet Institute on Campus part of its ongoing curriculum.
How many scholarships are available to my institution?
Each institution is given 25 student scholarships to use at its discretion.
What type of analytics do I receive?
The administrators of each university will receive progressive statistics for each student bi-weekly as well as overall completion statistics at the end of the session.
When does the next session begin?
The fall program normally kicks off in late September. The spring program normally kicks off in early February. To get involved, please contact us.
How will this program be growing in the future?
The program is growing exponentially. This upcoming fall semester, twenty universities will be participating. Our goal is to reach 5,000 students across more than fifty schools over the next five years.
What is the Resume and Internship Hub and how does it work?
The Resume and Internship Hub is a way for your students to get their experience to get in front of financial services professionals looking for interns and candidates for entry level jobs. The Hub, powered by DAKdirect, is only available to students who have successfully completed this program, so students will receive information on how to participate at the end of the course.